Working out together is more fun

Working out together is more fun

The new training program - Week 3 - Session 1 - Day 15

Are you working out together with someone else or are you working out alone?

Are you working out at all?

Do you work out?
Do you want to work out, but doesn’t go to the gym for some reason?
Do you want the results and the physical exercise, but feel intimidated by all the muscle people with their nutrition supplements and their energy drinks?
So instead of getting that exercise, the training you need and the fit body that you deserve, you avoid the gym as it was a contagious decease?
Think again!

Let me tell you something about the gym, and people in general. Everyone is so busy thinking about themselves that they really don’t care about you and what you do, at the gym or any other place.
I know that people can be intimidated in any situation, in any environment, always considering what other people are thinking about them and what they do. And the truth is that almost everyone is so busy focusing on themselves, how they look, what they are going to say when it is their time to speak, and how to behave, that they almost never think about you. You are only most important to you! And you are the only one that see your own anxiety about you.

So, again, if you want to go to the gym to get that fit body you are dreaming of – just do it!


If you are just starting out going to the gym, getting that gorgeous physique that you are dreaming of, get someone to go with you. It is much easier to be disciplined in going to the gym and doing exercises when you have someone keeping you accountable for the agreement to actually go there.

You are more likely to actually start going to the gym and keep going to the gym if you have an accounting buddy that pushes you, just as same as it is easier for him or her if you push back.
This is because that most people will always do more for others that they do for themselves. And since you have an agreement with you accounting buddy, you don’t want to disappoint them. The result is that, even if you feel a bit off and don’t want to go, you will go and do your working out anyway.
The same principle is true for any goal you set and any endeavor that you set up together with someone else.


Since about a week ago, a week into my 12 week training program, my wife joined me in the work out. Great! She started a few days after me, and had to put up with my complaints about a lot of soreness I had in my body due to the new trainings program, exercising other muscles than I normally use.
And I was really complaining. My body was really sore, and I was also very surprised and fascinated that I could be so sore, since I have been working out for the last couple of years, three days a week at the gym.
But I can tell you this much – having my wife join me in the new training program is great! Not only do I get the company of another person that holds me accountable, I get to do the training together someone I really love and admire.

And the really great bonus is that, since she has a diploma for personal training, massage and nutrition, among other things, I get the benefit of her instructing me on the different exercises to get the most out of each exercise. And if I am nice to her I might even get a massage when we get home…. Great or great??


I can tell you that much, that working out with my wife three days a week, sharing the experience, sharing the wining about sore muscles, cheering each other on doing the different exercises, talking about the future results, talking food and nutrition, besides sharing the experience about how we have gained more energy in our daily lives – that is just the greatest experience!

An experience you I could never have if I was training alone!

Working out together is mor fun summary

When you work out togehter with someone else you get these benefits:

  • You get the company of someone you like / love and feel good being with
  • You get someone to share you experience with
  • You get someone that holds you accountable for your training commitment
  • You will push yourself out of your comfort zone just to not dissapoint your acountability buddy
  • You can instruct, help and teach each other in the different exercises
  • You get more energy and enthusiasm in the sharing experience and that you push yourself
  • You get the fun and joy of not training alone

 Michael Wesley

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