How to discover your Life Purpose - self-guided exercise

How to discover your Life PURPOSE [Self-guided exercise]

Discovering your true life purpose may come to you easily.  You may have always known what your purpose on this earth is, or you may have no clue.  It is different for everyone.  Some people may take years to discover their true purpose in life, and some people may never find it during their lifetime.


Below you will find an exercise that you can perform to assist you in discovering your life purpose. 

Remember, your true purpose is an on-going process and it may change several times during your lifetime.

1. Prepare the Stage (10 minutes):

   - Locate a peaceful, comfortable area where you will not be bothered.

   - Bring a journal or an open document on your computer to take notes.

2. Reflect on Joy and Fulfillment (20 min):

   - Consider times in your life when you were truly happy and fulfilled.

   - Consider: What activities or experiences offered you the most joy, pleasure, and satisfaction? Create a list.

3. Exploring Core Values (15 minutes):

   - Identify your main values. Which principles or beliefs are the most important to you?

   - List your top three values and reflect on how they are now manifesting in your life.

   - What do think is most important in your life?

   - What do you want to contribute to yourself, your family and the community?

   - What do you want to be remembered for, and what is the legacy you want to leave behind?

4. Identify your strengths and passions (30 minutes):

   - Make a list of your strengths, skills, and natural abilities.

   - Think of activities or tasks that make you feel passionate and engaged.

   - Consider times when you felt a strong sense of accomplishment.

   - What do you find comes easy for you?

5. Visualization Exercise (15 Minutes):

   - Close your eyes and see an ideal day in your life when you are fulfilling your purpose.

   - Focus on the feelings, activities, and surroundings in this visualization.

   - Take note of any repeating themes or aspects.

6. Review and Reflection (20 minutes):

   - Review your notes from previous exercises.

   - Look for distinctive patterns, common themes, or keywords.

   - Consider how these patterns might relate to a potential life goal.

7. Prepare a Personal Mission Statement (15 minutes):

   - Condense your findings into a short purpose statement.

   - Consider how your values, abilities, and passions might be incorporated into the statement.

   - Keep things simple and focus on what is most important to you.


“My purpose is to create a secure financial future for me and my family to create a supporting environment where we can grow, fostering meaningful relationships, travel and enjoy a fulfilled, adventurous and happy lifestyle.”

“My primary purpose in life is to live in the Universal abundance, to educate and inspire people to live their lives in abundance, and to be excellent in skills and performance of this purpose.”

8. Final Reflection and Next Steps (15 min):

   - Take some time to think about the process and what you've discovered.

   - Think about any activities or changes you wish to undertake in your life based on your newfound insight.

   - Determine your next steps for further exploration and living in line with your mission.

9. Bonus Step: Regular Reflection

   - Set aside time for thought on your objective and make any necessary revisions.

   - Life purpose is fluid, and your understanding may shift over time.

Remember that discovering your life purpose is a process, and it's okay if clarity doesn't arrive right away. Be patient with yourself and let the process happen naturally. This self-guided exercise offers a framework for introspection and self-discovery, allowing people to take control of their purpose research.


Life passionately and go and make wonders.

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