What are you going to do when you're snowed in?? Whining that you have to shovel the snow or do you seize the opportunity to do things that fill your life with joy and quality?
Good morning…
The last few days it has been snowing heavily here in Gothenburg. Yesterday it poured down all day and tonight it has continued... So there will be more shoveling today. Many people, including ourselves, probably chose to stay at home as much as possible and not go out any longer distances by car and other things on the roads...
So what do you do when you are snowed in????
Do you enjoy spending time with friends and family? Or are you sitting in front of the computer?
A lot of people probably did that later yesterday, when I found out myself that Facebook was so slow that I couldn't even get the front page up. It was simply not worth writing down how incredibly snowy we were and what I did during the day.
When you don't want or can't go out... Do you take care to do what you "must", "should" or "want" to do??
If you didn't just go on autopilot, but instead thought a little before starting something, what would you do? What would give you the most satisfaction in life?
What would fulfill you the most with energy, joy and gratitude??
I think that in most cases the autopilot kicks in and we do things because we normally "use" to do that. But if you and I were instead to think before we jump in and do things — would we prioritize differently?
Would you do other things that would contribute more to your life and the quality of life you have??
Maybe you could take the opportunity to use the snow to brighten your life instead of complaining that you can't get out or that you have to shovel so much?
Beware of the snow!!! If you have children; can you ski, sled, saucer, tarpaulin, bob, toboggan, snowboard, snowracer... You could make snowmen, snow igloo, snow lanterns... Photograph, film, go out on the town and help other motorists who have problems,... the possibilities are many. There are tons of things you could do together when there is snow! Do something crazy!! Do something fun!! Be together... or whatever suits you and saves joy in your life.
A classic question, but one that really bears pondering for a moment:
If you continued doing what you are doing today for the rest of your life — would you be satisfied and happy at the end of your life??
Or would you like to change something to create a different future with different results and values??
What is stopping you from making that decision today and starting to create your new future starting NOW?
Now I will create my future!!
(Image source: Sveriges Radio (sverigesradio.se))