#5 The process of manifestation

#5 The process of manifestation

Every result you get is according to the Process of manifestation.

Not too long ago, I was on a training designed by T Harv Eker - The Millionaire Mind Intensive.
There he introduced what he calls the manifestation process, which I want to share with you right now.
P »T» E »A» R

What Harv calls the Manifestation process, you can find is expressed in other ways, but this is actually a good way to showcase what's happening in you and me, and why we act like we do, and why we get the results we get.

The process that Harv presents it is actually: P »T» F » A = R, but I choose to present it as P» T » E » A » R (read P-TEAR), because I guess it's easier to remember.

The process means that all the programming (P-programming) you have brought up with and you have accepted, controls your thoughts (T - thoughts) which control your feelings (F-feeling | E-emotions), which in turn controls your actions ( A-actions), which will create a certain result (R results).

The process thus says that all the information and impact you have been exposed to from outside sources in your life has programmed you to think and create opinions in a specific way. This programming then controls what you think and what you have for values ​​and beliefs, which in turn cointrol  how and what you think.
Whatever you think, in your internal world, then makes you choose specific choices that make you act in a specific way, in your external world. And all your actions, or lack of action, create the results you get.

ProcessOfManifestation Positive

Think about how you perceive that this works in your life!

You will surely, like everyone else, come to the conclusion that the process is correct.
Thus, the only thing you need to do is delete your old programming and replace it with new programming, a programming that you choose this time. A programming that you are aware of, and does not go directly into your subconscious, without you knowing about it.

Imagine the wonderful opportunities that suddenly open to you!


How to program yourself, we will return to later.  
We will give you the opportunity to access effective tools to remove your old programming and replace it with new.

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