#13 Fundamental goal setting

#13 Fundamental goal setting

Do you set goals?

If you do - Congratulations! You are one of the few who do.

If you don't use goal setting — Why not?? Don't you feel you are getting the results you want??
But you are not alone. 97% of all people do not set goals. This means that most people do not get the life they dream of having. No wonder so many people feel bad, sad or depressed, or wonder what is the meaning of their life.

An incredible number of people let the events of life control their lives, instead of taking control of their life themselves.
It is almost like getting into a rowing boat in a river and then letting the currents guide the boat. But when the rapids roar up and you approach the fall, it's usually too late to start taking control, even if you start rowing like crazy.

Despite the fact people normally don't set goals, there are many people who ask themselves: -“Why does this always happen to me??”

Below, you will find the most fundamentals of goal setting. There you will get an explanation of how you can get started. There are some simple steps that you can follow. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Would you like to experience more successes in your life?

Would you like different results, than what you are getting?

The simple thruth is that; if you continue to do what you have always done, you will achieve the same results you have aways got.

If you want different result in life, you need to create change in your life.  And changes come from desire, decisions and goal setting.  In order for you to create change in your life, you need a desire for something new or different.  You need to make a firm decision that you will achieve a different result, and you need to set a target for your vision - your goals.

And the fascinating thing is that you already posses all the resources that you need to achive your targets.

Many people, new to goal setting, sets too large goals.  And then they get discouraged.  The target is just not realistic, becuase it is too far away from their current situation to be realistic.  

Instead, set a large goal if you please, but then divide that into smaller sub-goals, that you feel are more realistic for you achieve.  But don't set too small sub-goals, becuase you still need an attractive target to strive towards.  It must be inspiring for you to reach the goal.

By taking a small step each day, and striving towards smaller sub-goals, you will eventually reach your large target.

Remeber; Small, contuous actions creates extraordinary results.

Remember: The absolute most important thing in goal setting is to know what result you want and that you act (do something).


Always do your best and every day will be magical

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