Live in a way you won't have to regret

Live in a way you won't have to regret

What are you doing with your life? Are you living without any regrets?

Are you acting in your life, so that don't need to have any regrets, at the end of your life?

I think that most people will have some regrets at the end of  their life.  There is almost always something that we wish we would have done, or done differently.  But, the point is to live your life in a way that don't have to regret the major parts of your life.

Let me tell you a story about a married couple that are real good friends of mine, both in their early 80's:

Just a few days ago, I notified that the man had passed away.  This made me very sad, since he was a close friend and he wa also a role model for me, growing up in my early teens.

When I visited his wife, the newly widow, she sat me down in the kitchen and told me her perspective of their marriage and relationship.  

Se said that she was happy that he had finally passed away.  For the last few years her husband had not been well, with more and more frequent hospital visits as a result.  He had more an more problems and more and more ache in the body.  So for the last few years he had continuously been talking about wanting to "come home", as he put it.

So, now when her husband had finally found his way home to the lord, the widow told me she was happy, not just for him, but also for herself.  She didn't need to hear the continuous nagging about that her husband wanted to die.  Nor did she need to serve on him anymore.  She told me that she was finally free from 48 years of marriage that felt more as service assignment.  She felt more like the husband's maid, not as his wife.  

He had always had trouble to express feelings.  And she had a need to hear and to receive appreciation and fellings of love and gratitude.  They had a mismatch in their marriage, making her feel like a maid in the household.

But now, she is over 80 years old, having trouble moving, walking, difficulties from athritis.  


It hit me:

She has lived the main part of her life in a way that she may regret now, when approaching the end of her lifespan.  And now it is far too late to do something about it!

My point with this story is this; don't let it happen to you!  Make your choises in life in a way that you don't have to regret it later in life.  We only have one life (as far as we know).  Make the best of it.  Make sure that you are living according to the purpose of your life, being happy.  

Make every day magical.  And since your entire life is made up of each and every day- if your days are magical, your life will be magical.


How can you make you life more magical - every day?  Comment below!


Create your life to be magical, and live with passion.

Michael Wesley

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