#2 You are unique

#2 You are unique

You are unique! There is no one else like you, it has never been and there  never ever will be anyone else like you. It makes you unique!

 "-It's not correct! Because I'm an identical twin" you might say.

Yes, if you're an identical twin, with the same DNA as your twin, you're probably alike in many respects, but you are still unique!

Let me explain ......
According to research, every adult human being has somewhere between 4-10 billion neurons, ie brain cells.

Each cell or neuron has the ability to connect, or form a link to, on average, about 20,000 other nurons. That is the way we form thoughts, memories, and store impressions from our five senses. This allows the brain - your brain - to form an infinite number of different connections between the brain's neurons. The number of possible combinations of connections between the neurons, the number of permutations, is actually more than the number of atoms in the known universe !! Unbelievably fascinating, right?

And because no other person, even if it were your identical twin, will never see, hear, feel, taste and smell the same things as you, nobody else will ever form the neurological connections in their brain as you do. It has never been and there will never be anyone who looks like you, has the same genetic code and DNA and could form the same neurotic network in the brain as you. This makes you UNIQUE!

Being unique also means that you are incredibly valuable from many perspectives.  [Read more in this article] Not the least, you have unique experiences, abilities, and exist in this universe for a specific purpose. A purpose that no one else can fulfill - more than you.

Although many people think about what their purpose of life is, there are unbelievable few who really feel they find their own purpose in life. And every human being has a specific purpose with his or her life. We just have to find what it is. Because you are unique and you have a unique place in unversum that no one else can fill - find your life purpose and everything in your life will be easier. You will be happier, more successful and you will enjoy life in a completely different way than before. You will be totally fulfilled by your wonderful life. All thanks to you finding the piece in the universe's puzzle where your unique part fits in.

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