Do you know what it takes to become successful? 97% of all people don't!

Do you know what it takes to become successful? 97% of all people don't!

Do you know what it takes to be successful in life, in your work or career, or whatever you do?

Really?  And yet, you expect to become successful?

Many people dream of becoming successful in life, wheather it being their job or career, in relations, in business and in many other categories of life.  Yet, they don't even bother to take the time to figure out what success means to them, or what it takes to achieve that success.

What is success for one person, may just be a daily victory for someone else.  What success is, is very different from person to person.

But the thing is that 97% of all people doesn't even mean what success is for them, because they have never even thought about it  They have never considered, or thought the question -"What is success for me?"

When you sit down and figure out what success is for you, then you can start set up some guidelines for your life, to actually become successful - if that is what you want.  You can create the vision for your life, the goals and the activities.  And once you do this, systematically, in accordance with the laws of the universe, you must reach your definition of success - by law!  

All that happens in the universe is governed by laws.  And therefore, all that you do in accordance with these laws will help you create the successes in your life that you dream about.

But you must start with asking yourself - "What is success for me?"


Create your life to be magical, and live it with passion

Michael Wesley


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