From a roaring tiger to a pussy - And the other way around!

From a roaring tiger to a pussy - And the other way around!

Have you every experienced that yout training is going so well, your feel invincible, and then everything crashes and you feel very small and weak?

 Several times since this summer it has happened to me, and let me tell you what I did to get the strength back.

Several times the last spring, I was sick.  I had a cold or virus in my body, preventing me from training, i.e. going to the gym and continue to work on our training program.  (and to tell you the truth, after 12 wweks of the same program it was nice with a break)

Also, coming up on the summer holiday with vacation around the corner, it felt great not going to the gym in the morning.  

But, as you may already have guessed, coming back to the gym, doing the usual exercises after a period of NOT training was tough.  Not only did I not have the strrength that I had before the break, but I also lacked the motivation to do the exercises.  It was hard, and it felt really heavy.  I didn't relly want to work out.  

Even though it wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be to get bak to the gym, I pushed myself through the first week of weight-lifting.  Since I had been away for a while I had to lower my expectations on myself.  And I had to lower the weights. Quite a lot, I thought at the time.  About 10-15%.  But I continued to push myself and did the exercises.  

Withing a week and a half, I was back on the same weights, doing the exercises as before the break.  And the motivation for training also came back.  Probably, at least partly, because I saw how fast I could rebounce.  Very fast, I could regain my previous results.  Much faster that I did when I started training this particular program in the early spring.  Why?  Because I had the results from my previous training in my body still.  And the body remembered.  In a short time I could hook onto the previous results and keep going, thereby keeping up the momentum.

And my point is; it's the same in life itself.  You can gain much bigger results if you keep up the momentum.  You don't need to push yourself all the time, doing the heaviest work, doing the most difficult activites and taking on the most challenging goals and visions at one. 

Start small! And be continuous!  Use the power of momentum, and increase the weight, the challenge and increase your goals.  And you will see enourmous results.  And above all, be continuous!

Then when you are ready, you can consciously adjust what you are doing, to create a slightly different result.  A results that is even more in line with what you want to achieve.  Try to change or adjust only one thing at a time, so that you are able to evaluate what that change or adjustment gives you in different results.

That is what I did in the gym yesterday; from an advise from a training video I started to do the weight lifting exercises much more slowly, in order to build musles in a different way.  Once again, I felt like a roaring tiger that had been reduced to the this little pussy.  Once again I had to reduce the weights in order to do the exercises properly.  But now I could increase my focus on doing the exercises more correct and keeping the posture, and thereby using the right muscles.  This was a very interesting observation.  And I am sure that in a few weeks, mys results will also start showing, creating the results that I want.

My point in all this is;
Even if you sometimes feel small, not being the person that you know you could be, not having the results that you vision for your life, even if you feel like the little pussy - don't give up, never give up, always, always strive forward towards your visions and goals, one step at a time, being continuous, using the momentum, and you will eventually - by universal law - be successful in your achivements.  Then you will again feel like the roaring tiger.

Create your life to be magical, and live it with passion

Michael Wesley

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