The distance between your dreams and reality

The distance between your dreams and reality

Do you have a dream?

Do you have a great dream for your life and for your future?  Do you want it to become a reality?  Great!!  

Then you are guaranteend its realization by this simple process!

Ask, believe and receive

Ask, believe and receive

Ask and you shall receive

The bible tells us: "Ask and it shall be given".  The Law of Attraction tells us, that all that you continuously think of, you attract.  The Law of Focus tells us, that all you focus on you will receive.  Then - How can you ever fail?

If you're tired of starting over

If you're tired of starting over

If you're tired of starting over - stop giving up!

Many people have no purpose in life, as it's said...  However, everyone has a purpose in life.  But most people has not taken the time to actually be still and reflective enough to find out what their purpose in life is.

Discover your true purpose in life

Discover your true purpose in life

Discover your true purpose in life

Have you found your true purpose in life?

NO?  Not many people have.  Most of the people in the world only goes with the flow, and handles the situations and things that hits them.  

Your mindset creates your entire future

Your mindset creates your entire future

Your mindset creates your entire future

You cannot control what happens in the world.  Or not even always what might happen to you.  

Let your desire be greater than your fears

Let your desire be greater than your fears

Let your desire be greater than your fears

Whatever you dream about, whatever you vision for your life - there are always fears.

Whatever you can think of - you can create

Whatever you can think of - you can create

Whatever you can think of - you can create

Isn't it fascinating!!!!?  Whatever you can think about, you can create!!!

Change is created in the mind, and realized in the action

Change is created in the mind, and realized in the action

Change is created in the mind, and realized in the action

How often don't we meet peapole not satisfied with the life they lead?  How often isn't it that we are not satidfied with our own lives?

Easy to judge

Easy to judge

It's easy to judge

It's easy to see what others do wrong.  And to judge them for what YOU think is wrong.  And we often say what we think.